About us
The company O.ME.R. born in the sixties as a craft business with the aim of producing a range of products of carpentry.
In 1997, with the change of generations, the O.ME.R. It becomes OMER PRODUZIONE: The company grows and is aimed at a wider market, even abroad, specifically for manufacturers of construction machines, earthmoving, industrial machinery, agricultural machinery and lifting.
The company specializes in laser cutting, plasma cutting, bending and manual welding
The production of the company is specific third parties, it means that all products are designed and marketed by the final customer.
Since 2004, with the aim of meeting more customers and the market that always looking for more quality, it was decided to implement the processes by developing the activities of robotic welding, in addition to cutting and bending.
Since 2007, the company changed its layout and production methodology, initially following the guidelines of the “TOYOTA” system and later “LEAN” system with the aim to streamline processes, ensure greater quality and flexibility to our customers.
For several years, we also made possible to our customers to implement together a production management through “KANBAN call”, this method of administration has consolidated in our customers many advantages such as the elimination of the forecast phase, elimination of orders, inventory reduction products, lower costs related to complain, greater speed in case of product changes.